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We look buyers or suppliers
for our clients

  • are an Information Services company in Foreign Trade that operates with national and international databases, research tele-marketing and sending advertising via e-mail, to facilitate access to new markets or suppliers.
    Our goal is to help you export / import through the intensive use of new technologies in a framework of honesty, quality and transparency


    Inforcomex is a multidisciplinary and multicultural team dedicated to optimizing the international insertion of companies. We have in our team collaborators to communicate in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and Hindi. But we can also in the short term select personnel for other languages that require us. In times of globalization it is important to be able to reach all markets. Let the language not limit us !!


    My name is Hugo Olivera, I am the director of Inforcomex and for several years I have been working on issues related to foreign trade and the Internet. This has allowed me to reap different experiences in the use of the network as a tool for commercial intelligence and international marketing. We offer that knowledge today to support our clients in their growth in a highly competitive world.

        We are the piece that was missing in its international trade strategy.


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    Inforcomex - Belnor s.a.     25 de Mayo 332   Montevideo  Uruguay C.P. 11000   Phone 598 2 916 2324  